E-PAC the future of convenient sustainability

The product of George & Carter’s mission to make plastic free alternatives more accessible 🌱💫
Also known as the Sustainable Tourist Pack! But includes all your essentials for minimising your carbon footprint EVERYDAY 👣

George & Carter are the young future and huge advocates for the protection of the natural world 🌎
Rocketing towards a sustainable future 💚

This idea struck the young duo (only 11 years old!) when they saw how polluted their beloved home and ocean, at the Sunshine Coast had become – mainly with food packaging waste.

The E-PAC includes:
🌴 Retractable Water Bottle
🌴 Reusable Coffee Cup
🌴 Upcycled Handmade E-Cloth
🌴 Metal Straw + Cleaner
🌴 Coconut Bowl
🌴 Towel
🌴 Spork

The e-Pac can be used by tourists and locals – we all want it to help reduce the amount of rubbish from all across Australia.

Last year, they were selected as Winners of the 2019 Minister’s Climate Challenge. George & Carter had the opportunity to pitch our business and meet people like the Former US Vice President, Al Gore, the Co-Founder of Atlassian, Mike Cannon-Brookes, the Minister for Environment, the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur along with many more inspirational people.

Available in store NOW! 🌱⠀
Help George & Carter realise their dream to live in a more sustainable world 💚⠀
The E-PAC has everything you need to minimise your carbon footprint, live plastic free & help change the world!

Another option to support this great initiative is to donate through this link:


Use Of Funds:


This will assist with their legal fees for registering the business, and contribute some funds towards the manufacturing of their first set of EPAC’s. We want the EPAC to truly help the environment so the more people using re-usable items, the better we are as a country. They need your help to get us there – the boys just need $2,500 to get started. $5,000 STRETCH GOAL

This amount would see the duo being able to expand their business, promote it wider and help them reach their goal which is to see 10,000 EPAC’s all across Australia. “This goal would be kinda epic so if we get to this level, trust me, we’re going to be super high energy. We’re pretty energetic anyway but getting to $5,000 will make our dream a reality. Are you with us? :)”

Image of the EPAC Team