CHECK it before you chuck it – Recycling importance

#CheckIt Tuesday is an ongoing social media call to action which encourages Australians to check the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) on their packaging so that they recycle right, and to share their recycling label ‘aha’ moment using #CheckIt.
You can help us to spread the word on social media by sharing on any Tuesday how you #CheckIt and recycle.
So, the question is – Do you really know how to recycle correctly?
There’s never been a more important time for
Australians to dispose of their waste and recycling
correctly. Research shows that Australians care
about the environment and know that recycling is
important, however with more than 200 recycling
labels currently in use, getting recycling right can
be difficult.
The below diagram supplied by ARL makes it so much easier!
The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) is an evidence-based, national labelling
program developed by Planet Ark, PREP Design and the Australian Packaging
Covenant Organisation (APCO) that provides clear on-pack instructions about how to correctly dispose of all parts of a product’s packaging.
The evaluation takes into account not only the material type like cardboard, but size, weight and other factors to ensure that what is labelled as recyclable can actually be processed. The label clearly indicates whether our product packaging belongs in the rubbish bin (bin symbol), recycling bin (shaded recycling symbol), or can be conditionally recycled (transparent recycling symbol), provided you follow the instructions e.g. return to store.
Look for the label when you purchase your packaging and make sure to check it before you chuck it!